

Happy family on walk

RSE and RSHE that is centred around the teachings of Christ

As far as we are concerned, academic knowledge is not the end goal of a child’s time at school. We believe that the educational process should deliver on more than just one outcome. Our passion comes from building a person, not creating an academic. Catholic education, in all its beauty, is a one-of-a-kind learning experience or at least it should be.

A Fertile Heart was created in the belief that nurturing the entire person, through mind, body, and spirit, is necessary for a happy, healthy, and balanced life. And we’re sure you would agree.

Put simply, education that is centred around the teachings of Christ is unquestionably unique. It provides an opportunity to not only enhance knowledge but explore passions, create community, strengthen the sense of self and come to know God better (all in one place) and in unison with the home and family.

Saint Joseph on a stained glass window in a church

Protecting children and inspiring young people to inherit the richness of Christian virtues and faith

It was Saint Joseph, the kind, diligent and humble saint, who God chose to be the faithful, loving spouse of the Blessed Mother and the earthly guardian of Jesus. We see A Fertile Heart as an extension of his spirit in protecting the innocent.

Ultimately, our course is an antidote to some of the subversions our Children are being exposed to on a daily basis. One could argue that although many in society are more materially better off than before, nevertheless spiritual poverty abounds, and we want young people to inherit the richness of Christian virtues and faith.

A Fertile Heart provides a moral compass for children in an unstable world. It empowers young people to learn the meaning of love and relationships, respect and vulnerability in a clear and consistent way with our God-given human nature.

Inspiring Catholic formation

As well as a core focus on Relationships and Sex Education, which is mandatory for RSHE to be taught in schools across England, A Fertile Heart is an opportunity to enrich the lives of young people by empowering them to view their own personal development as something they can direct themselves.

One of the key components of our materials that may not be evident from the outside is the acute focus on the formation of faith. Parents who want to help encourage their children to really embrace the teachings of the Church will see that A Fertile Heart introduces the core elements of the Catholic faith to bring them more fully into a Catholic vision for life.

We do this in a way that is accessible to Children and relates to their experiences, helping them form a Christian conscience and encouraging them to live their lives as faithful disciples of Christ. As Pope Francis puts it, to help young people “see the world with the love of Jesus”.

What do other parents say?

Obedience in Jesus. Wow, what a great topic. We found lots of great chat about why we should obey our parents (kids loved talking about this), and we really enjoyed the point A Fertile Heart makes about how obeying is so much easier when we know the person really loves us or is someone we can trust!

The positive message our kids received from it was that LOVE is how we are alive and how we grow, as much as being physically well – A good message in the covid era!!

As a busy husband and father, I like how I can use the books [sometimes at random] to help trigger a really good but short discussion with either my son or daughter so we can go deeper on issues that might concern them or their friendship groups.

As a parent, it gives me the language and vocabulary I need or lack to help explain to my child why our Christian values are so important to us as a family.

We had a lot of lovely discussion around what makes us happy and then even more about which list they should fall under (long, medium, short) – a great exercise to drive the message home and introduce God’s joy as the long-term happiness we should seek!

I liked the point about bringing all of our responses (good and bad) to the Father in our prayer and worship. Helped for children to know they don’t need to be perfect and that we can bring it all to the Lord!

I wanted to make the point about us trying to love as God loves, and I asked the children to each think of something that is positive/affirming about some other member of the family. It is such a simple thing, but it was a wonderful moment of building each other up.

Light shines through cathedral window

Validation for the course (who’s behind it) 

A Fertile Heart has been formally recognised by the Archdiocese of Birmingham as being fully faithful to the Magisterium [teaching authority] of the Catholic Church. Our materials have been scrutinised and found to contain nothing that is either misleading or incorrect concerning faith and morals. 

Both the Archbishop of Cardiff, Most Rev. George Stack and Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury have officially endorsed the programme in all of their schools. Bishop John Keenan of Paisley Diocese, Scotland, has also approved. 

Our Education Consultant, Edmund Adamus, is a newly established GoodLove Foundation member. Authorised by the Vatican dicastery for Laity, Family and Life to equip and support parents as the primary educators of their children in effective sexuality education. 

The sources of inspiration for the content of A Fertile Heart originated from an important doctoral thesis on moral theology by Rev. Fr. Stephen Fawcett [a priest and moral theologian of the Archdiocese of Birmingham]. This was approved with the highest academic recognition by the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome 2018.    

Want to take a look at the RSE and RSHE Resources?

You can gain access to all of the RSE and RSHE resources or view sample modules.

If you have questions and queries then get in touch to speak to a member of the team.

A Fertile Heart KS1 books

Key Stage 1 Examples

Fertile Heart Key stage 2

Key Stage 2 Examples

Fertile Heart Key stage 3 cover

Key Stage 3 Examples

Fertile Heart KS4 cover

Key Stage 4 Examples

Teacher discussing RSHE topics with classroom of KS3 students

The RSE and RSHE topics A Fertile Heart covers

Things like kindness, treating others how we want to be treated, and having the courage to confront bullying is a large part of what we explore. By using our resources, you can gradually ensure your children understand what it means to be truly kind and inclusive of others from an early age.

A Fertile Heart discusses “tolerance” a great deal. Why? Because it’s not enough for children to be taught that bullying or being unkind to others is cruel and intolerable for the person who suffers. Children also need to be helped to appreciate that the unique personhood of every individual must be cherished and valued whoever they are, wherever they are from, whatever their personal circumstances might be.

So, we don’t avoid difficult and emotive topics such as LGBT issues or preoccupation with self-image or anxiety. However, we do approach and explore these types of issues in a way that challenges the all too easy option of people being labelled and applying superficial labels to others.

A Fertile Heart champions the unique personality and personhood of everyone, not a cause or a campaign. Therefore, we are confident that the materials and the way they are presented are educational and supportive, where the principles of truth and compassion are the themes threaded throughout all the material.

All conscientious parents want their children to learn new ways of being thoughtful and critical thinkers about the big questions of life and the social environment they are growing up in.

If you’re looking for great ideas and resources to help you support your child in that journey of discovery, to help them both pose and answer deep questions about what makes for fulfilment, happiness, and virtuous achievement, then look no further than A Fertile Heart.